Segment   Research Development Production
Earth Observation
Life and Physical Sciences
Satellite-based Applications
Instruments and Payloads
Spacecraft and on-board Equipment
Ground Segment
Materials and Processes
Electronic Components
Basic Research for Space Technology
Small Satellite Activities
The HES-SO Engineering and Architecture Faculty has three missions: to provide practical training at university level, to foster applied research and to deliver technical services to private sector partners. The Faculty offers interdisciplinary competences within its 6 schools. Its activities are devoted to the realisation of high quality and reliable products and anchored into the regional industrial systems. The HES-SO schools collaborate closely with SMEs, industries and research institutes.

HES-SO at a glance
  • 21'000 students
  • 28 schools of higher education across Western Switzerland
  • 43 Bachelors and 31 Masters

The HES-SO Engineering and Architecture Faculty includes :

  • 4'827 students
  • Schools of higher education amongst which Haute Ecole Arc Ingénierie, School of Engineering and Architecture Fribourg (HEIA-FR), Geneva School of Engineering, Architecture and Landscape - HEPIA, School of Engineering - HES-SO Valais-Wallis - HEI and School of Engineering and Management - HEIG-VD, CHANGINS - School of Viticulture and Enology
  • 9 Bachelors and 8 Masters