What does it take, to become an astronaut?

We asked Claude Nicollier:

Carry out activities that require careful preparation, concentration, and management of risks, such as aviation with aerobatics and instrument flying qualification, deep sea diving, mountain climbing…

Stay healthy and fit: run, play tennis, use your bike, but always stay safety conscious.

Perfect your English, try to learn Russian and Chinese. Travel to countries where these languages are spoken and practice with locals.

Learn as much as possible in a great variety of fields: technology, science, biology, physiology. Be good in your field, but never forget to acquire knowledge in other disciplines.

Keep a positive and pleasant attitude in every situation. Stay calm and cool even when things go bad!

Practice communication skills: give lectures, interviews, learn the art of skilful use of social networks, without overdoing it!

Prof. Claude Nicollier, member of Space Innovation since 2007 and former astronaut, having completed four missions and a space walk
Prof. Claude Nicollier, member of Space Innovation since 2007 and former astronaut, having completed four missions and a space walk

Student level programs

ESA Academy

Hands-on space projects: training and learning program

Internships & BS/MS Thesis

Enter the space domain by starting with an internship or thesis at your university or in a company.

Online course on Space Mission Design and Operations

Learn the concepts used in the design of space missions, manned or unmanned, and operations, based on the professional experience of the lecturer.

Graduate level programs

Young graduate trainee

More than 80 open positions are usually published on the ESA Careers website in November, for many types of profession.

PhD Positions

Do a PhD on a space-related subject with the Network/Partnering Initiative (NPI).

Post-Doctoral Research Fellowship Program

Do a PhD on a space-related subject with the Network/Partnering Initiative (NPI).

Jobs and internships in Industry

These are the wiss SME’s doing business with ESA.

Recruitment in the space domain

Space Defence Security Jobs

A portal for Space careers, Defence careers and Security careers.

Space Talent

A platform for careers in the Space Economy.